Clipd AI

Clipd AI

Clipd AI

Clipd AI is an AI video tool that helps you turn long videos into short, engaging clips perfect for social media. Just upload your video and it automatically creates clips for platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels.


Creators and businesses often struggle to repurpose long-form video content for social media due to the time-consuming process of editing and optimizing for different platforms. Ensuring content is engaging, appropriately timed, and formatted for platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels can be challenging, especially when trying to maintain the essence of the original video. Additionally, the technical skills required for video editing and the need for multiple tools to cater to various platform specifications add complexity and inefficiency to the content creation process.


Clipd AI addresses these challenges by offering an AI-driven video tool that simplifies the process of converting long videos into short, captivating clips suitable for social media. By automatically generating optimized content for platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels, Clipd AI eliminates the need for technical editing skills and reduces the time and effort involved in content repurposing. This allows creators and businesses to efficiently broaden their audience reach, enhance engagement, and maintain consistency across their digital presence without the technical and time constraints of traditional video editing.
